When a married couple lawfully divorces or part ways, the court can direct one spouse or partner to compensate the other a specific amount of cash each month. This type of support is referred to as spousal support. It is also referred to as alimony. The duration one ex-partner must provide cash support to the other as well as the actual amount of cash compensation is in the courts discretion after the divorce lawyers representing the separating partners have argued their case. This article explains the various ways alimony may be set up.

Short-term spousal support

The court may direct short-term support if the marriage union between the couple was only short-lived. Rehabilitative support is a distinct type of short-term support, meant to help a financially dependent spouse embark on training and seek employment. In most cases, the duration is not determined beforehand, rather the agreement states that cash payments will cease when the beneficiary completes their retraining course and gets a job.

Long term support

The court may direct long-term or permanent support in the case of long marriages that span over a decade. This type of support often comes into effect once the court establishes that the financially dependent spouse is likely not to be employed again and thus requires support for an indefinite period. Although this type of support is meant to be permanent, it may be halted in the event that the beneficiary or payer passes away or when the dependent remarries.

Reimbursement support

This is the only form of spousal support that's not entirely centred on economic need. Rather, it's a means to compensate an ex-partner who forfeited their education, training or job aspirations during the marriage union by staying at home to look after the children while the other partner pursued a rewarding professional job.

Usually both partners anticipated that once the specialised spouse became established and earning a profitable remuneration, the sacrificing spouse would enjoy a higher living standard and be at liberty to follow a worthwhile career. Because the marriage union ended before the sacrificing spouse enjoyed any of the anticipated benefits, the reimbursement support serves to rebalance the scales by ordering the specialised spouse compensate a certain amount for the sacrifices made for him or her during the union. Since it's not centred on financial need, reimbursement support ceases whenever the court directive states it does.

Hire a professional divorce lawyer through firms like Northside Lawyers to get favourable terms in respect to your spousal support.
